Akilah’s Essentials is a wholistic bath and body line you can trust but what exactly does that mean?
After listening to friends and family talk about their day jobs and watching how corporations treated their workers I decided to forge my own path and create something different.
From the very beginning, I wanted my brand to be “earth-first”. Earth first means respecting the environment by sustainably extracting its resources. It also means respecting earth inhabitants by protecting our environment and supporting safe working conditions. This was my vision for my brand and I have began to incorporate these ideas.
Nearly all of my packaging is recyclable, compostable, or post consumer. I have began to increase the amount of organic and fair trade ingredients I use. When I begin to outsource production, I will only work with companies in the United States who pay their workers livable wages and provide safe and healthy working conditions. Eventually, I would like to own the headquarters and be in control of the quality of the working environment. My company will provide livable wages, health care, maternity leave, and much more.
To answer the initial question, a wholistic bath and body line you can trust not only includes the ingredients but the entire line of production. Help me lay the blueprint for how corporations should operate in the future. With every purchase, shout out, and referral we can begin to make this dream a reality.
- Akilah from Akilah's Essentials